Saturday, October 5, 2013

Deadly Artwork

I have to confess that articles are one of my greatest addictions;  seriously, I read nearly every article posted each day.  For the uninitiated, is a site primarily comprised of articles about anything and everything, usually in a listed format, and generally with a humorous spin.  Frequently the writers will tackle the art world, and needless to say, this often results in some of my favorite articles.  
In thinking about some interesting contemporary works I may have come across wandering the web, I recalled one of my favorite Cracked articles of all time:  

5 Works of Art That Can Probably Kill You 

I mentioned in a recent blog post that I feel our current culture encourages a sort of playful experimentation in the art scene, and I think the pieces discussed in this article exemplify this freedom to explore taken to a fascinating and somewhat terrifying extreme. 

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