Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wordless Comic

As follow up to yesterday's rant (because everyone needs a few more reasons to think I'm a complete dork, right?), and because in preparation for my thesis, I need to have a collection of images ready to be presented as an example of past work and where I hope to go from here, I'll be posting a 10-page comic drawn last year for my Drawing IV class.  The idea was that it had to tell a clear narrative without the use of words.

 (This is always the page that trips people up-- apparently I didn't do the best job of conveying my male-lead's difficulties navigating around people in the city very well.  Oops!  This is also where I tripped up on the "no words" rule, and didn't realize until too late that I'd labeled the taxi... double oops.)

 (The lazer-tag panel in this one also tends to cause confusion... whoops)

Nothing too high-concept here, just a shameless, silly first date.  Apologies for some sub-par image quality.

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