Monday, March 31, 2014

This Thesis Will Drive me to Madness

The work on my thesis continues, with more interaction sketches and another finished digital narrative.  Some of my classes are going to have to fall by the wayside if I'm going to get this all done.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It Takes an Obsession to Make a Thesis

One of my greatest strengths and weaknesses is that I'm an obsessive type worker.
And I have to process things by talking and by writing.

In other news, the small-scale drawings of the backwards princesses continue with a rare serious take on one of my more psychosis-laden characters.

I've also created a more polished looking version of the Rapunzel story digitally, which I designed to look somewhat like stills from an animated movie or show (these digital versions are what the notes above are for).  However, it's a fairly huge image so I'll work on getting a smaller version to post with some others at a later date.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Standard Update

New Studio space:

With more crappy random furniture than a thrift shop.

A current resting place for the backwards fairy tale originals.  Trying to decide which ones need to be revisited for my gallery show and which ones are fine as they are.

 A digital piece I finished last week in preparation for the pre-thesis review.  My digital work appears to be a point of contention for some viewers, which is, to me, fairly perplexing.  I go through every effort to make my work accessible and easy to read.  I'll have to pay attention to what may be causing these difficulties, moving forward.  Unfortunately, most of the feedback from my review was a lot of artists listening to themselves talk (fine artists absolutely love doing that).  However, I did get some genuinely helpful suggestions, such as the idea that adding text to my digital work would help add my own touch and my own voice to it, while tying it more closely to my pen-on-paper pieces.  I plan to put this to the test in the coming weeks.

 And a bonus "interaction" drawing.